Discover how OfficeClip Web Bug Tracker will benefit you with the following key features:

Template Enabled Pre-defined Projects Issue Tracking templates provide an easy to use application.
Unrestricted Entries Each group can have an Unlimited number of Issues and Projects.
User Defined Fields Projects contain a list of cases with Unlimited Field options.
Restricted Entry Administrators can restrict Data Entry at the Field level and Application level.
Attachments Documents can be attached to each Project Issue.
Customized Settings User-Defined settings, data access is simplified
Non-Member Access Non-members can enter and Track the status of their submitted Cases via web.
Custom Filters Data can be filtered by specific conditions based on any of the Fixed or User-Defined fields and saved for reuse.
Email Issues can be captured via email and automatically recorded in the project.
Tracking Function Utilities include Tracking Sales, New-Hire Candidates, or any other Project-Based items, with OfficeClip Issue Tracking Software.