Glossary of Timesheet Home Resources Glossary This is a glossary of timesheet terms that you might see on our website or elsewhere online. Each word has a link that will show you its definition, origin and more details. A Absence Management Accruals Approvals Attendance tracking Auto-approve Timesheets Automated Timesheets B Billable hours Budgeting projects Billing rates Buddy Punching Bulk Approve C Check-in / Check-out Customer Portal Custom Reports D DCAA compliance DCAA Audits Delegation of tasks E Employee Monitoring Estimation of Time Exporting Timesheets Expense tracking Exempt Employees F Feature-based software Filters for Timesheet G Gantt Charts Guidelines for time tracking H Hosted vs Installed Hourly Rate I Integrations K Kanban board L Labor laws M Manual time tracking Mobile App N Non-billable hours Non-exempt employees O Overtime P Productivity Pomodoro timer Project Management Paid Time Off (PTO) Q Quickbooks integration R Recurring Tasks Reports for timesheets S Share reports Spreadsheets T Time Management Timesheet Compliance Time theft U User roles and privileges V Validate timesheets W Weekly Timesheet report