Features of OfficeClip Customer Portal and its benefits

“The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.”

Sam Walton, – Walmart

In today’s world, the main aim of businesses is to keep their customers happy. Happy customers stay with you for long.

What makes a customer happy?

A happy customer is one who is satisfied with the product, and if he has any queries or issues related to the product, they want their problems to get resolved quickly.

The solution to this is a customer portal.

Share information

What is a Customer Portal?

A Customer Portal shares a range of information with your clients, vendors, suppliers and gives them limited access to a part of the network. It gives your customers visibility to certain information like documents, reports, issues, calendar events, etc.

Customers can post their trivial issues within the portal, which can be resolved without the intervention of any customer care executive.  The company can add the link of a FAQ page to answer all the queries or add videos or helpfile links to help customers if they have any problems using the products. Once the issue is submitted in the customer portal, a simple email will answer all the queries within no time.

As per a study by Statista, 88% of respondents expect an organization to have a customer portal service.

40% of consumers prefer customer portal service over human contact.

OfficeClip has introduced a Customer portal with some new features that will help to strengthen your relationship with your customers and provide transparency. This Portal allows your customers limited access to various parts of your application. Administrators can control what a customer can access.

Benefits of using OfficeClip Customer Portal:


Within the OfficeClip Customer portal, customers can view shared documents, reports, events, and issues from their home page.


Sharing Documents:

The portal is useful for sharing different kinds of documents like the Company Policy Documents, Company Calendars, or Issue reporting forms.  Some documents can be shared publicly, but few documents are confidential that can be shared only with authorized users.

Sharing mode

As for security, the customer portal works in two modes:

  1. Web Sharing: This is a public link that anyone can access. Users can copy and paste this link in a browser and view the documents shared.
  2. Secured Sharing: This sharing has secured access where if any document or information is shared, the user can access it only by entering the login id and password.


OfficeClip can create customized HTML webforms which can be added to the company’s website. These webforms allow customers to add their inquiries related to products, or if they are facing any issues while using a product, they can add issues via webforms. Once the issue is submitted, the user can track their issue status via the portal. Users and developers can also exchange notes related to issues.

sharing issues via customer portal


Customer Portal users can view documents shared by the organization and also upload requisite documents to the company’s website. This feature makes the exchange of documents a smooth and secure process.

Upload documents

Request an Appointment:

This feature in the Calendar module will allow customer portal users to book an appointment from your website.



View Issue Status:

Customers can view their issues, issue status, post a reply within the portal and add new issues.


Apart from the above benefits, a customer portal helps to improve communication with your customers,  increases customer engagement, reduces response time, and is a secure and safe way to share information with your customers.

How a good customer service help businesses?

  • Businesses that prioritize customer experience have a revenue increase of 4-8% higher than their competitor. 
  • A company can generate an average $823 million revenue increase in three years with only a moderate enhancement in customer experience. 
  • On average, companies that work to improve their customer experience can see their revenue increase anywhere between 10-15%.
  • Every year, US businesses lose $1.7 trillion because of bad customer service. 
  • 77% of US online adults say that valuing their time is the most important thing a company can do to provide them with good service.


If you have an efficient customer portal, it will help give your customers a good experience and better service.

Let us know, how do you manage customer issues?

Also, see Understanding Customer Portal for more information.

To see how OfficeClip Customer Portal works, check the video below.