Using In-Out Timesheet

Timesheet is used for recording the amount of time spent by workers on a project. Managing the data on spreadsheets can be complicated, and payroll calculations become a tedious job. So Online Timesheet is the best solution for tracking project time. The figure below shows the process:

/web/timesheet/whatis.htmltime tracking lifecycle

OfficeClip Timesheet has a simple and easy to use time-keeping system. Users can check-in at the start of the day, and check-out at the end of the day to record time. Record other information like customer, project, billing, and payroll.

check in check out mode

All the weekly details get recorded and it becomes easy for the supervisor to analyze the employee performance and work done for a project. If the user forgets to check out the timesheet for the day, the system automatically checks him out after 10 hours or 12 hours as set up by the administrator.

This In-Out timesheet system will help to log employee’s time and record attendance accurately. 

Accurate time recording will help in:

  • Smooth payroll processing. 
  • Scheduling work and resource allocation. 
  • Track the progress for a project.
  • Bill clients accurately.