Tip: Customize your Header and Footer

We have made the customization of the Login screen and footer easier. You can now use the HTML editor to insert any arbitrary html (for example your website header) in OfficeClip. In order to do this, login as site administrator and go to Manage Site Information, there you will see options for managing site header and site login.

Using the Login Screen Setup the following features can be customized:


  1. Login Screen Header: It allows you to show a different login screen to your users
  2. Administrator Message: This is helpful if you want to add a message on the login screen that your users can see before they login
  3. Login footer: Allows you to show a customized footer at the bottom of the screen
The Html Editor allows you to make the changes in the WYSIWYG. After the changes the login screen will look like:
Using the Setup Site Header option the site header can be changed, the site header is shown to your users on all the OfficeClip login pages.