We are pleased to let you know that a new version of OfficeClip (10.2.16) has been released. This release fixes many bugs, some which are:
- In some cases entering alphanumeric characters in the custom numeric field triggers an error (IK0435)
- Cannot use track time in chrome browser (SD0429)
- There is no way to recover the archived timeoff request (KP0667)
- Basic edition users are unable to set mileage (MO0513)
- In some cases emails through OfficeClip is not getting sent (JC0648)
- Manual Sync of QuickBooks is not filtering service items correctly (SD0428)
- In some cases export csv for accounts is giving error (RK0622)
Detailed release notes are available at https://test-e1873.ingress-alpha.ewp.live/web/releasenotes.html
Please note that the hosted version users are automatically upgraded. If you are using the installed version, you can download from https://test-e1873.ingress-alpha.ewp.live/web/download.html