How receiving Notifications on time is important

Whenever a user logs into a system, he has many tasks to do in a day. Some of which he may forget or some of which he may not be aware of. Like the user has to:

  • Fill up the timesheet for the day.
  • Submit a timesheet for a week
  • Assign some work to a user, but that user is on leave, which the manager is not aware of.
  • A customer has put an issue in the issue tracker but the user forgets to check his email.

These and many other tasks, if not done on time will create a lot of issues, and it will be difficult to carry on workflow smoothly. This is where the Notifications will help the user.

Notifications are automated messages which the user receives through email or can view on the screen. These notifications can remind employees of specific actions to be performed for Timesheet, Contact Manager, Issue Tracker, etc.

OfficeClip applications will help to keep the employees updated on the ongoing activities in the organization through notifications.


Users will receive notifications:

  1. If any new contact is added, modified, or deleted in the database.
  2.  If any documents are edited, deleted, or downloaded.
  3. If any tasks or events are added for the prospects.
  4. If the timesheet for the day is not saved, the user will receive a notification for filling up the timesheet.
  5. The supervisor or manager will receive a notification if the timesheet is not submitted by the user weekly or monthly.
  6. The user can also see the notifications for approval or rejection of timesheets.
  7. With a time-off notification, the supervisor can delegate the work to some other user.
  8. If the user or a customer adds any new issue. the assignee will receive a notification to get it resolved.

Apart from this, users can receive notifications for Time-off, Campaigns, Invoices, etc. These Reminder messages can help to keep submissions and approvals on schedule. It will also alert you about the tasks to be performed and updates in your system.